The first WReSe2 ternary transition metal dichalcogenide (TMCs) alloy. Large single crystal perfectly alloyed tungsten rhenium diselenide W(1-x)Re(x)Se2 crystals have been developed in our facilities. In these crystals the Re concentration (x) is set to ~40% to 50%. Crystals are synthesized using chemical vapor transport technique using minimal amount of transport agent to reach to 99.9995% purity.
These WReSe2 crystals are perfectly alloyed and does not have any phase separated WSe2 and ReSe2 regions. Single domain size is large and topological (stacking fault) defects are minimal allowing easy exfoliation and high monolayer yield rate. These crystals come with guaranteed alloying and optical/electronic response. Due to the complexity associated with the crystal growth, these crystals measure ~3.5mm to 5mm in size.